Friday, July 15, 2011

36 weeks... less than one month to go!

I've been seeing my Ob/Gyn Dr. and the Perinatologist now three days a week.  baby I's been passing his Non Stress Tests (NST's) with flying colors!

Yesterday, I had an exam and was checked for any signs of progress.  Report:  No dilation yet, but I am 50 % effaced (my cervix is starting to thin out now).  Let me tell you, that is one of THE MOST uncomfortable exams I've ever had.... yes, there will be an epidural during delivery!  Since I'm so old, Dr. Tackitt doesn't want me to go over my due date.  SO... we checked his call schedule and I'm on the books for an induction on August 10th (if he doesn't decided to try and come out on his own earlier)!  I started crying in the office... pretty surreal moment knowing the exact date of when I'll be a Mom :-)

I can't believe I'm posting this, but here's what "Baby I" and I look like at 36 weeks.
Chaz says this is the most impressive belly he's ever seen!  
This morning, Chaz and I saw the Perinatologist for another full body ultrasound to check the baby's growth.  She said he "looks perfect."  We saw more hair, fat around his short chubby legs (hee hee) and at 36 weeks...he is now 6 lbs. 14 oz!  We could see him "practice breathing" and she said that's a very good sign.  I still have plenty of amniotic fluid for the baby to swim in.  He's a happy healthy boy!!!

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