Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We're Pregnant? How did that happen?

Chaz took me out for a beautiful Valentine's Day dinner in 2008.  At the table, he handed me a beautiful card and told me that he was ready to start the next phase of our life; to bring a child into our lives.  It was our engagement proposal all over again.... I couldn't stop the tears.  What a great gift.  As most of you know, Chaz and I were never sure we wanted to have kids.  But after a while, we got the urge.  I went home and threw my pills away :-)  Being almost 39 years old already, I believed that if it was "meant to be, it would be."

We tried the "old fashioned way" for several months with no success.  In January, 2010 when Chaz moved to MD, not only was this time challenging for us emotionally, but it seemed impossible that we could get pregnant.  I'm extremely fortunate that my career in embryology has allowed me to work for so many excellent doctors.  Up until this point, we had not told anyone that were trying to have a baby.  I decided to confide in my boss and was fortunate to have his blessing and was given access to a great team of friends and co-workers that provided their expertise to us.  What does that mean?  Well, without going into details, we were able to continue trying to make a baby even though we weren't physically together... what a great story over a cocktail one night!

Chaz came home in October, 2010.  Although all the efforts were good, we still weren't pregnant.  My friends back in Richmond offered to do an  IVF cycle for us.  We were going to take them up on their offer in November, but I just couldn't move forward.  Chaz had just come home, and emotionally and financially, we just couldn't do this.  I still believed that if it was meant to be, it would be.  Well.... on the evening of November 20th, with the help of my friend and co-worker, Dr. Robin Fogle, a little miracle started (another story reserved for cocktails one day).  On December 6th, Robin drew my blood and came to me with the news... I was pregnant!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, I am so so very happy for you Amy and Chaz. You both will be great parents. Can't wait to see and follow this journey with you both thru your blog. You made me cry a little when I was reading how this journey started...Sending you hugs, I am very happy for you both.

    Love, Debi
